Welcome !


You’re here either because you Googled ‘world’s most un-lawyery lawyer’ or because a friend or colleague recommended me. Pretty much all of my clients come from referrals because my passion is dispute prevention.

Sure, I do the “traditional” lawyery stuff like drafting employment contracts and resolving disputes, but most of the time I work with clients as an extension of their business – strategically advising them on how to prevent small workplace issues becoming big, hairy ones.

Why dispute prevention? 

According to my research (over 30 years lawyering) no-one actually enjoys long, messy, expensive  disputes. They’re stressful, keep you awake at night… and they involve dealing with lawyers!

On the other hand, my research indicates that when we manage humans well and we have difficult conversations sooner rather than later, we tend to be less stressed, sleep well… and spend less time with lawyers!

When we look at it that way, a focus on dispute prevention makes a lot of sense, huh?

So, whether I am lawyering, coaching or running a workshop, chances are you will find me encouraging those around me to embrace dispute prevention.


Jennifer Bicknell

(Lawyer and doer of good)











What trend am I seeing out there in the workplace world?

What trend am I seeing out there in the workplace world?

What trend am I seeing out there in the workplace world? More and more employers are reluctant to have crucial conversations – fearful of Fair Work or stress claims. This is understandable given the record number of filings with the FWC and mental health claims...

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Pressure to Sign Contract Leads to Unfair Dismissal Case

Pressure to Sign Contract Leads to Unfair Dismissal Case

Employer’s Pressure to Sign New Contract Amounts to Unfair Dismissal An employee with over 9 years of service and a clean record was presented with a new job description and contract which included higher sales targets and post-termination restraints. The employee was...

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Super Obligations For Independent Contractors 

Super Obligations For Independent Contractors 

Issue Taking Many Clients By Surprise - Super Obligations For Independent Contractors There is a common misconception that companies do not need to pay super for contractors who have an ABN - i.e. sole traders who do not operate under a “Pty Ltd”. If independent...

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