Google “how to future proof my career”.
Not a single search result says “pick an industry that fares well in a pandemic”.
But there’s endless tips about becoming tech savvy, embracing AI, up-skilling, networking and developing empathy.
When it became clear that “the robots are coming” early adopters embraced the learning curve and felt a sense of control. “When the robots come I’ll be OK”.
Then came a virus…not from a computer but from some wet market bats in China. (Didn’t see that coming).
Those who either can’t pivot quickly, or are in people-centric industries face unexpected challenges.
The borderless global economy is now a (literally) bordered global economy – comprised of lockdowns, travel bans and interrupted supply chains.
Entire industries are desperately trying to reinvent themselves.
The travel, entertainment, hospitality, events, retail and sport industries need us.
Workers face weeks or months of uncertainty and bill anxiety.
The mental health consequences of this pandemic cannot be underestimated.
So what can we do?
Encourage connection. Coffee over Zoom. Order a pizza. Child mind. Book an Airtasker. Buy local. Offer work.
Check in. We’re in this together.