We are back with a workplace trend, important reminders of key workplace changes that kick in on 1 July, news snippets and sage advice in the “Dear Jen” column.
And of course, I share my recommendations for your viewing pleasure.
I hope this newsletter brings you some wisdom and joy!
Cheers, Jen
What trend am I seeing out there in the workplace world?
The beginning of a new financial year is a bit like New Year’s Day.
But instead of committing to a new diet and exercise regime, businesses look to get leaner in different ways. Cutting costs. Delaying investment. And saying goodbye to employees they can no longer afford or whose behaviour they are no longer willing to tolerate.
In the last few weeks I have been assisting a number of clients move employees on. This is a tough but necessary part of running a business. In my experience, those leaders who make these tough calls rarely regret it. Those who don’t, or who delay, often kick themselves for not following their gut.
Take Out Point: Being a leader requires the confidence and skill to have difficult conversations.
Job Of the Week
Want to Earn a Million Bucks? Become a Private School Headmaster
According to the SMH, the pay and perks of top principals ranges between $500,000 and over $1,000,000. Time for a career change anyone?
Buzzword Of the Week – “Rage Applying”
Frustrated and burnt-out Gen Z’ers and Millennials workers are “rage applying” . This involves applying for as many new roles as possible, even if they do not intend to leave their current role. Apparently, it’s “therapeutic”.
Call me a grumpy old Gen X’er, but this makes me cross. Since when is it OK to waste employer’s time like this?
See: Rage Applying Trend Sweeping Aussie Workplaces
Meanwhile, the Committed Quitters Do it Live – #quittok
Gen Z’ers and Millennials are using TikTok to live-quit their jobs. Don’t believe me? Check out #quittok, #quitmyjob and #iquitmyjob which have over 500 million views between them.
Those who do it say they are empowering others, by showing them it’s OK to leave a job you don’t like.
Take Out Point: Call it a crazy hunch, but I’m not sure future employers are going to be banging down the doors to hire #quittok-ers.
See: How Young People are Quitting Their Jobs
WHS News – Being A Rockstar Is More Stressful Than You Think
At a recent London concert, a fan put a bag containing white powder on the stage. A shocked Pink asked the fan “Is this your mum? I don’t know how I feel about this”.
See: Fan Throws Mothers Ashes at Pink Mid-Concert
Restraint Clauses Prevalent
Federal Competition Minister Andrew Leigh asked the ACCC and Federal Treasury for advice regarding the impacts of non-compete clauses. The e61 Institute utilised an online survey of 3000 respondents and it revealed that:
- At least 1 in 5 workers are subject to non-compete clauses.
- ½ of the workforce is bound by some type of post-employment restraint.
- Non-compete clauses don’t just apply to senior executives. They are now being used with respect to “many outward facing customer roles – childcare workers, yoga instructors and IVF specialists”.
Take Out Point: Just because a contract has a non-compete or restraint clause, it doesn’t mean that it’s enforceable. Employers and employees are encouraged to get advice if unsure.
See: e61 Institute findings on non-compete clauses
1 July 2023 – Changes You Need To Know About
Take Note! Here are some of the key changes that have come into effect as of 1 July 2023.
Wage rises applying to the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2023
- The minimum wage for employees not covered by an Award is $882.80 per week (or $23.23 per hour).
- The minimum Award wage for employees covered by an Award increased by 5.75%.
- The superannuation guarantee increased to 11% from 1 July.
Paid Parental Leave
- There are significant changes to Paid Parental Leave. See our Fact Sheet.
Unfair Dismissal
- The high-income threshold increased to $167,500.
- The compensation limit is $83,750 for post 1 July dismissals.
Difficult Conversations – Strategy + Scripts + Documentation
Important conversations require planning. Often we know they need to have a conversation but can’t find the right words.
That’s where I come into it. I have a knack for preparing strategies, scripts and documents for:
- Performance management conversations
- Redundancy consultations
- Managing toxic employees
- Addressing bullying and harassment claims
- Managing requests to Work From Home and Flexible Work Arrangements.
Let me take the stress out of handling these workplace issues…
Or grab the most practical online course in town. Run, don’t walk to my website for my highly informative and entertaining online course – “Difficult Conversations In The Workplace: A Lawyer’s Guide to Not Needing a Lawyer”. Spend an hour with your favourite unlawyerly lawyer for just $149 plus GST, or organise a workshop or coaching.
Dear Jen,
I spent 16 hours at work trying to get Taylor Swift tickets. (I got some – YAY!!!). I may have done this on work time. Obviously for an important cause.
My boss says I have to make up the time.
I’m going to live resign on Tik Tok.
How do I make sure my next boss isn’t so unreasonable?
Swiftie Forever,
Dear Shifty Temporarily,
Seriously? Shake It Off and be grateful you still have a job.
What I Am Watching (on SBS)
It’s that time of year again where we get to spend 3 weeks watching a live French
countryside documentary. OK, I admit, since watching “Tour de France:Unchained” (Netflix) I have a whole new respect for the bike jockeys. Viva Le Tour!
What I Am Watching (on Foxtel/Binge)
I am hating watching season 2 of “And Just Like That”. The storylines are infuriating but I’m hanging in there outta loyalty to Carrie and the gals. [I also tried to show some loyalty to Samantha (Kim Catrall) in her new Netflix show “Glamorous”. I lasted 19 minutes. Don’t. Just Don’t].
What I Inhaled (on Britbox/SBS On Demand)
I would watch a tv commercial if it was made by the producers of “Line of Duty”. Luckily they made an awesome 4 part cop show set in Birmingham instead. Don’t be put off by the boring title. “DI Ray” is fabulous.
What I Am Watching (on Netflix)
Need something ludicrous? Cue “Muscles and Mayhem: An Unauthorised Story of American Gladiators”. This 5-part docu-series tells the story of the late 80’s/early 90’s ‘game show’ where Gladiators on steroids beat the crap outta normal citizens. Car crash TV.
What I Am Watching (on Foxtel/Binge)
If you love the “Smartless” podcast with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett, you will love “Smartless on the Road”. Six episodes of behind the scenes banter with these hilarious best buddies..
What I Didn’t Watch (On 9 Plus)
I love a mullet wig as much as the next person, but I couldn’t bring myself to watch “Warnie”. Did anyone?