According to restaurants and caterers, Christmas parties are back. At the ‘top end of town’ lavish party plans are underway, but for many companies there will be scaled back events with onsite BBQs and food trucks. What message is your Christmas party sending?

I encourage all businesses to set clear expectations prior to Christmas Parties. Here’s a starter template that can be personalised and sent to staff in advance of festivities.

Download the Bicknell Law & Consulting email template for upcoming festivities in PDF format, or you can also copy and paste the below:


Bicknell Law & Consulting email template for upcoming festivities in PDF format


Hello everyone

Tonight is the night!

We know you are all excited for our Christmas Party.

To make sure that everyone has a good time and stays safe, here’s a few reminders.

Where and When?
The party is at [insert address] and will start at [insert time] and end at [insert time].

Food and Drink
There will be lots of delicious food for you to enjoy. If you decide to drink alcohol, please do so responsibly (and make sure you eat some of that delicious food as well). There will be plenty of water and non-alcoholic drinks available.

As this is a work event, please comply with all of our workplace policies including those relating to WHS, harassment and discrimination, and drugs and alcohol.

If you are drinking alcohol do not drive. Please make arrangements in advance of the party to get home safely. [Offer Taxi/Uber?]

Photographs and Social Media
We will be arranging for photographs to be taken during the night. These will be shared with you after the event. If you take photographs of your own, please do not upload them onto social media sites without the consent of all others in the photograph. [Refer to relevant company policy on social media use if you have one].

We want you all to have fun, but please look after yourself and each other during the night.

If you need any assistance please speak to [insert names].

Let’s celebrate a great year and have a wonderful time.


[insert name]


*Tailor this template to suit your business’ needs, budget, style of event etc.

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